Mike McIntire, PG - About Me

Hi! My name is Mike McIntire and I am a Computational Geoscientist and Data Scientist. I currently work at a small startup called Onward. At Onward, I work at the intersection of geoscience and technology. I currently work on the Challenges platform building interesting data science challenges for our diverse and talented users. I am most passionate about using data science to solve problems in the geosciences.


I hold a B.S. in Geoscience from Kansas State University, a M.S. in Geoscience from Kansas state University, and I’m a graduate of the Thinkful Data Science Bootcamp. I am also a licensed Professional Geologist in the state of Texas.


I have a decade of experience in various industries including oil/gas, insurance, and banking. Most of my career has been spent in the oil/gas industry working as a Senior Geophysicist for Occidental Petroleum Corporation (formerly Anadarko Petroleum Corporation). From this role I gained experience in seismic interpretation, seismic processing, seismic inversion, and machine learning. I currently work as a Data Scientist for a small startup called Onward. At Onward, I work on the Challenges platform building interesting data science challenges for our diverse and talented users.



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